Monday, March 24, 2008

Review: Silent in the Sancturary by Deanna Raybourn

Silent in the Sanctuary is the sequel to Deanna Raybourn's debut novel, Silent in the Grave. Book Two picks up where we were left off in Silent in the Grave, with Lady Julia Grey living in Italy with two of her brothers.

Summoned to England, they can only assume that their father is unhappy at the news of her brother's marriage to volatile Violante, Lady Julia and her brothers head off to England in time for Christmas, bringing along an Italian Count as a house guest. Lady Julia and her entourage arrive to the family pile in Sussex, a beautiful abbey. Lady Julia is quite miffed to see none other than Nicholas Brisbane, who assisted her in the investigation of the murder of her husband in Silent in the Grave. Lady Julia Grey still carries a torch for Nicholas, who has not had any contact with her since her 6 month stay in Italy, much to Lady Julia's chagrin. Nicholas has not come to the house party alone... he has come with a fiancee in tow!

While playing a game of hide-and-seek, Lady Julia Grey hears a scream. As the guests rush into the Sanctuary of the old monastery, they see one of their guests dead on the floor. Complicating matters, Lady Julia's cousin claims credit for said murder and grabs on to the ring on the wall and asks for sanctuary.

In dealing with the horror of the death of a house guest and the onset of a heavy snow storm, the guests are snow bound and one of them is a jewel thief! At the same time, a crazy old aunt disappears and ghosts are afoot.

You'll have to read Silent in the Sanctuary to find out just who the real murderer is and why, I promise you will be shocked! What about the missing jewels? The missing crazy aunt? All will be neatly and creatively tied together at the end..and you will still be left wanting more.

Lady Julia Grey will be back in the third book in this series, Silent on the Moor. The book is yet unpublished (due out in 2009), but you can check out the author's blog here here. Ms. Raybourn's blog is just as witty as Lady Julia Grey.

1 comment:

Marg said...

I am really looking forward to this one!Hopefully my library will get it in soon.